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Paul Fischer
Recent Posts
What does a Biden Victory mean for Clean Energy?
Nov 18, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Utilities, United States, Business, Rooftop Solar, Solar Cost & Prices, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Electric Vehicles, Investments, Green Hydrogen, Solar Panels, World, Industry, Government, Employment, Batteries, Covid-19, Resilience, Renewables, Clean Energy, Green Finance, Zero Emissions, Jobs
Breiter Planet Properties Official Partner of Generac
Nov 10, 2020 10:02:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar, Energy, Solar Development, Property Owners, Residential Solar, Energy Storage, Modules, Solar Cost & Prices, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Investment Tax Credit, Investments, Forest Fires, California Fires, Solar Panels, Energy Generation, Electrification, Sustainability, Industrial PV, Industry, Batteries, Resilience, ESG Investing, Pollution, Solar assets, Markets & Policy, Capacity, Power Outages, Generac PWRCell
Array Technologies IPO: Stock Commentary
Nov 6, 2020 10:30:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Energy, Solar Development, Utility-Scale PV, Products, Solar Industry, Andrew Breiter-Wu, Racking, Decarbonization, Climate Change, Energy Transition, Commercial PV, Breiter Planet Properties, Rack-Mounted, Clean Energy, Green Finance, Manufacturing, Solar assets, Array, Tracking
Breiter Planet Properties President Andrew Breiter-Wu goes into detail about the recent IPO offering of Array Technologies. Array manufactures tracking and racking equipment for solar systems. This technology allows homeowners, property owners, and businesses to get the most production out of their investment into clean energy. Tracking systems allow the panels to track the direction of the sun so they are receiving the most direct sunlight throughout the day.
Environmental Justice, Social Welfare, and Environmental Infrastructure
Sep 14, 2020 1:45:00 PM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Energy, Solar Development, Massachusetts, Boston, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Energy Consumption, Clean Energy, Solar assets
On Wednesday, September 2nd, NECEC, Northeast Clean Energy Center, and Daymark Energy Advisors hosted a webinar titled Environmental Justice, Social Welfare, and Energy Infrastructure.
Solar Plus Storage: Solving Power Outages
Aug 27, 2020 9:30:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Energy, California, Utility-Scale PV, Solar Industry, Installations, Distributed Storage, Solar Plus Storage, Distributed Solar, Breiter Planet Properties, Resilience, Transmission & Distribution, CAISO, Power Outages
Explore Our Online Store
Aug 7, 2020 12:30:00 PM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Land Lease, Community, Energy, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Residential Solar, Roof Lease, Policy, Utilities, United States, Andrew Breiter-Wu, Investment Tax Credit, Solar Incentives, Decarbonization, Solar Panels, Electrification, Breiter Planet Properties, Environmental Impact, Utility Scale Markets, Renewables, Solar assets, Prices, solar goals
Breiter Planet Properties President Andrew Breiter-Wu takes you on a virtual tour of our new Online Solar Shop. In less than 5 minutes you can navigate through the online shop and realize your solar energy dreams. Our prices cannot be beat, and we are dedicated to helping you throughout the entire process.
As technology has advanced and more solar projects have been developed, prices have fallen. State and federal level incentives that are available to make the switch to solar even more affordable.
At Breiter Planet Properties, we leverage these market conditions to provide ultimate value to our customers. We are excited to offer the lowest cost solar projects in the country. We ensure our customers get the best value on the market while providing high quality equipment and reliable labor.
Biden's Energy & Infrastructure Plan
Jul 24, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Agriculture, Community, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Policy, Utilities, Business, Tesla, Decarbonization, Electric Vehicles, Transportation, Climate Change, Solar Panels, Energy Generation, Grids, Electrification, Industrial PV, Government, Environmental Impact, Research & Development, Solar Rooftop, Covid-19, Renewables, Transmission & Distribution, Zero Emissions
Breiter Planet Properties President Andrew Breiter-Wu takes a closer look at Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden’s $2 Trillion Climate Plan. The plan is to build a modern infrastructure in the United States.
Solar Industry Update June 2020
Jul 13, 2020 10:15:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar, Massachusetts, Andrew Breiter-Wu, ITC, Breiter Planet Properties, Covid-19, Solar assets, Virginia, New England, FERC, solar goals, Net metering, Treasury Department
Green Mountain Power Expands Tesla Powerwall Program
Jul 7, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Development, Utilities, Vermont, Energy Storage, Utility-Scale PV, Tesla, 2020, Clean Energy, Green Finance, Solar assets, New England, Green New Deal, Green Mountain Power
Breiter Planet Properties & Mission Solar: An Interview from Solar Power International 2019
Jul 3, 2020 9:45:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Community, Solar Development, Solar Power International (SPI), Climate Change, Breiter Planet Properties, Clean Energy, Clean Energy Jobs, Manufacturing, Solar assets, Design, Community Building, Independence Day, July 4th, Mission Solar, American Made