The U.S. appears all set for a record year for solar.
US government expects 24 GW of new solar this year
Jan 21, 2020 6:00:00 PM / by John Weaver, pv magazine posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar, Residential Solar, Commercial Solar, Policy, United States, Energy Storage, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Installations, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Legislation, ITC, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Energy Transition, Solar Panels, Energy Generation, Industrial Solar, 2020, utility scale storage
First Solar nears final environmental approval for 450 MW Mojave Desert solar power plant
Jan 20, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by John Weaver, pv magazine posted in Property Management, Real Estate, Revenue, Rent, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar, Energy, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Solar Finance, California, New Construction, Policy, Utilities, United States, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Business, Finance
The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has given a preliminary, but close to final, environmental approval for First Solar’s 450 MWac Desert Quartzite solar power plant.
The world will add 142 GW of new solar this year
Jan 9, 2020 10:00:00 AM / by Max Hall, pv magazine posted in Renewable Energy, International Solar, Solar Energy, Solar, Solar Development, Solar Finance, Policy, United States, Markets, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Climate Change, India, Europe, Energy Transition, Solar Panels, Energy Generation, China, Global, Distributed Solar, Industrial Solar, 2020, New Year, World
How Will Your Solar Panels Perform in Winter Weather?
Dec 3, 2019 6:00:00 PM / by Paul Fischer posted in Property Management, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Energy, Solar Development, Property Owners, Solar Capital, Residential Solar, Commercial Solar, Solar Finance, Modules, Boston, Business, Decarbonize, Decarbonization, Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, Bifacial Modules, Solar Panels
The first winter storm of the season is wrapping up here in New England. As we gather our shovels, ice scrapers, salt, and other winter gear out of the closet, we embark on another journey and battle against mother nature. Skiers and snowboarders rejoice as the fresh snow evokes dreams of carving down the mountain. Others are less enthusiastic about having to deal with another 4-5 months of scraping, shoveling and shivering.
Corporation's Roles In the Energy Transition
Nov 25, 2019 6:00:00 PM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Decarbonization, Jeff Bezos, Corporate, Investments, Energy Transition
What do all of these corporations have in common? A commitment to renewable energy! As the transition to renewable energy pushes along, some corporations are leading the way.
Electric Vehicles
Nov 18, 2019 9:15:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Solar Finance, Energy Storage, Tesla, Electric Vehicles
Coal Continues its Decline
Nov 11, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Energy, Energy, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Solar Finance, Utility-Scale PV, Solar Industry, Installations, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Solar Plus Storage, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Climate Change
Murray Energy, the largest privately held coal company in the United States recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This continues to be a trend for coal companies over the last couple of years. As renewables like solar and wind become more cost effective, they are beginning to move coal fired power plants out of the picture. Unfortunately, the effects of this bankruptcy will harm only the most vulnerable. It will lead to workers and coal miners getting the short end of the stick, and top executives at Murray Energy getting off scot-free. “It (Murray Energy) will seek to be relieved of its obligations to retirees, their dependents and widows. We have seen this sad act too many times before.” (Source)
Solar (and wind) help to keep the AC on in Texas
Oct 31, 2019 8:30:00 AM / by Christian Roselund, pv magazine posted in Solar, Energy Storage, Texas, Wind Energy, DERs, Climate Change, ERCOT
A recent report by the state’s grid operator shows that solar and wind helped to meet peak demand on days of peak power demand in August, including the scorching afternoon that set a new all-time record.
Transmission ITC
Oct 30, 2019 9:15:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, ITC, Decarbonization, Investments, Infrastructure, Climate Change
Amazon pledges zero emissions by 2040
Oct 24, 2019 8:45:00 AM / by Tim Sylvia, pv magazine posted in Renewable Energy, Amazon, Reforestation, Climate Plan, Climate Pledge, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Decarbonization, Energy Efficiency, Electric Vehicles, Jeff Bezos, Transportation, Corporate, Investments, Greta Thunberg, Infrastructure, Corporate Goes Solar, Paris Climate Agreement
Amazon unveiled a gauntlet of new climate initiatives today, including 80% renewables by 2024, zero emissions by 2040, a fleet of 100,000 electric vans and a $100 million investment in reforestation measures.