Solar & Energy Storage Northeast
Feb 18, 2020 10:30:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Property Owners, Commercial Solar Finance, Solar Capital, Commercial Solar, Businesses, Solar Finance, MA SMART Program, Massachusetts, Policy, Politics, Vermont, Energy Storage, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Boston, Installations, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Legislation, Climate Change, Energy Transition, Bifacial Modules, 2020, Global Warming, Technology, Sustainability, Industrial PV, Commercial PV, Government, Breiter Planet Properties
How good is solar farming?
Feb 17, 2020 9:17:00 AM / by Alan O'Neil, Independent Energy Market Consultant posted in Solar Energy, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Policy, Politics, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Finance, Installations, Australia, Grids, Integration
Image: Australian National University
‘Renewables must grow four times faster to ensure sustainable future’
Feb 10, 2020 9:05:00 AM / by Marija Maisch, pv magazine posted in Renewable Energy, Community, Commercial Solar, Policy, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Modules, Finance, Installations, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Climate Pledge, Climate Change, Global, Industrial Solar, World, Global Warming, Grids, Integration, Industrial PV, Commercial PV
2,000 gigawatts of solar power needed for 100% renewables
Jan 28, 2020 9:30:00 AM / by William Driscoll, pv magazine posted in Commercial Solar, Policy, United States, Energy Storage, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Finance, Installations, Decarbonize, Decarbonization, Paris Climate Agreement, Climate Change, Industrial Solar, Global Warming, Residential PV, Electrification
US government expects 24 GW of new solar this year
Jan 21, 2020 6:00:00 PM / by John Weaver, pv magazine posted in Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar, Residential Solar, Commercial Solar, Policy, United States, Energy Storage, Markets, Utility-Scale PV, Installations, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Legislation, ITC, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Energy Transition, Solar Panels, Energy Generation, Industrial Solar, 2020, utility scale storage
The U.S. appears all set for a record year for solar.
Coal Continues its Decline
Nov 11, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Energy, Energy, Solar Development, Solar Capital, Solar Finance, Utility-Scale PV, Solar Industry, Installations, Decarbonize, Power Generation, Fossil Fuels, Coal, Solar Plus Storage, Decarbonization, Infrastructure, Climate Change
Murray Energy, the largest privately held coal company in the United States recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This continues to be a trend for coal companies over the last couple of years. As renewables like solar and wind become more cost effective, they are beginning to move coal fired power plants out of the picture. Unfortunately, the effects of this bankruptcy will harm only the most vulnerable. It will lead to workers and coal miners getting the short end of the stick, and top executives at Murray Energy getting off scot-free. “It (Murray Energy) will seek to be relieved of its obligations to retirees, their dependents and widows. We have seen this sad act too many times before.” (Source)
Floating Solar
Jul 29, 2019 10:14:00 AM / by Paul Fischer posted in Solar Development, Solar Capital, Solar Industry, Installations, Floating Solar, Power Generation
Rooftop solar and batteries makes their mark at #BNEFSummit Future of Energy
Mar 31, 2019 11:10:02 PM / by Christian Roselund, pv magazine posted in Residential Solar, Commercial Solar, United States, Energy Storage, New York, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Installations, SunRun, Puerto Rico, Duke Energy, Distributed Storage, Rooftop Solar, Microgrids
Sunrun made a splash at the BNEF Summit in New York City at a time when utilities are increasingly struggling to adapt to new realities. But distributed energy resources have a long way to go to play a major role, and we will still need additional energy sources in future power systems.
Sunrun CEO Lynn Jurich. Image: Bloomberg